Monthly Archives: January 2018

I’m Already Sick of Winter!

Its January 9th, 2018 and I’m already sick of winter. Polar vortex, snow and more snow. I know it is early January and I’m Canadian but I’m sick of it. Snow banks are over 6 feet (2 meters) tall. I want Spring and not in 2 and half months but now. 🙁 Here’s a picture […]

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New: MQ Batch Toolkit v3.0.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Batch Toolkit v3.0.0. MQ Batch Toolkit allows users to manipulate, monitor and manage messages in a queue of an IBM MQ (formally WebSphere MQ & MQSeries) queue manager from a command-line or shell scripting environment. Starting with MQ Batch Toolkit v3.0.0, the licensing model […]

Capitalware, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Batch Toolkit, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Batch Toolkit v3.0.0