New: Universal File Mover v1.2.0

Capitalware is pleased to announce the release of Universal File Mover v1.2.0. It is a free open source project.

Universal File Mover is more than a simple tool to manage the transfer of files. It allows the user to combine business processes into a workflow. The user combines a series of Action commands to create the UFM Workflow XML file. UFM is supported on AIX, HP-UX, IBM i (OS/400), Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows.


  • The Remote FileName, Directory and JobName values will now be stored as MQ property which means UFM requires MQ v7 or higher. Added MQSend attribute ‘usev7prop’ for backwards compatibility.
  • Added code to make sure ${LOOP_COUNTER} token is processed before other tokens.
  • Fixed a bug with tokens DATE+## and DATE-##
  • Fixed a bug with ‘tofile’ attribute processing for Copy, Convert, Move & ReEncodeAction
  • Fixed a bug with ‘append’ attribute for WriteText and MQReceive
  • UFM now requires MQ v7.0 or higher

For more information on Universal File Mover, please go to:

Note: When upgrading UFM from an ealier release, please remember to deploy the receiver side first because the MQSend action defaults to use MQ properties. There is a new MQSend attribute called ‘usev7prop’. It defaults to ‘Y’. The user can set the ‘usev7prop’ attribute to ‘N’ and it will use the old style handling for the Remote FileName and Directory.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Java, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Open Source, Universal File Mover, Unix, Windows.

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