Server Jenga? No, Recycling Time

Capitalware’s server room is not very big and I got tried of tripping over and moving dead and/or obsolete servers around. So, today I decided to get rid of bunch of servers and an old Sun monitor that Capitalware no longer requires.

I decided it would be funny to make a jenga stack of the equipment. Of course, I had to first pull all of the hard drives from the servers and take a sledge hammer to them. A sledge hammer is far better than the delete button and a lot more fun!! 🙂 (See the bent drives next to the monitor.)

In the stack, you see the following servers: AIX v5.1, AIX v5.3, HP-UX 11.11, Solaris 8, Solaris 9, Windows server (2 of them), 3 Linux servers and a Sun monitor. After I took the picture, I found another server: HP-UX 11.00. So, I loaded up the 11 servers, monitor and destroyed hard drives and took everything to the local computer recycler. Time for them to be reborn as something else. 🙂

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, Linux, Unix, Windows.

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