Updated MMX and MRTR Load-Modules for z/OS

Yesterday afternoon while doing some z/OS MQ testing, I discovered that both Message Multiplexer (MMX) and Message Router (MRTR) had been linked with the wrong MQ stub. Oy vey!!

I relinked both MMX and MRTR with the correct MQ stub (CSQBSTUB) then posted the both download archives to Capitalware’s web site.

Note: The source did not change. If you downloaded, compiled and linked MMX or MRTR on z/OS, you would have been fine. If you attempted to use either MMX or MRTR load-modules as given in the download archive, then the load modules would have failed on the MQCONN API call. Sorry about that. It is now fixed.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in C, Capitalware, IBM MQ, Open Source, Programming, z/OS.

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