Capitalware IniFile GUI Tools Updated

If you read my ‘Size Matters’ blog posting, this is just a continuation but for Capitalwre’s IniFile GUI Tools.

Many of Capitalware’s back-end solutions have a lot of keyword/value pairs, so each product has an associated IniFile GUI Tool program to make it easier for the MQAdmin to configure the IniFile rather than using notepad or vi. They are:

When I originally created the first IniFile GUI Tool for MQAUSX, I simply hard-coded (in English) the labels, buttons and menu items, since the important items were the keyword/value pairs that the MQAdmin would be adding/updating/editing. As, I added more back-end solutions, hence more IniFile GUI Tools, I simply cloned the original one (Programmers never write new code unless they have too!!).

When I look at my customer base for Capitalware’s back-end solutions, for non-English customers, it is probably around 33%. Of course, now I’m thinking why didn’t I add multi language support in the begging. D’Oh!

    So, for each IniFile GUI Tool:

  • I added language support for 55 languages for button, menu items and section titles but NOT for the product keywords.
  • I added code to get the font width of each label, button text, etc. and calculating the necessary width of the component and setting the size.

Note: The product keywords were NOT translated because I don’t want to add 55 different language processors to each product to when it is reading/processing the keyword/value pairs.

As an added bonus, I thought I would also include 6 of the “other tools” that are in MQ Visual Edit to each IniFile GUI Tool. Here are the 6 “other tools” that were added:

  • Hex Converter tool can convert a hexadecimal number to its corresponding string representation and vice versa. i.e. 0x’3132333041424344′ to ‘1230ABCD’.
  • Hex Editor is a simple multi-purpose HEX editor. The Hex Editor supports multi-file editing.
  • Text Editor is a simple multi-purpose plain-text editor. The Text Editor supports multi-file editing.
  • Tail File is a simple multi-purpose file monitoring viewer. The Tail File supports monitoring of multiple files at the same time.
  • XML Editor is a simple multi-purpose XML editor. The XML Editor supports multi-file editing.
  • Visual Difference is a simple file to file comparison tool. It visually displays differences between 2 files.

These IniFile GUI Tool updates are available for download. Send the email to if you want to use the latest release.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Auditor, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, MQ Channel Connection Inspector, MQ Enterprise Security Suite, MQ Message Encryption, MQ Message Replication, MQ Standard Security Exit, Unix, Windows.

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