IBM: ‘Mac users are happier and more productive’

Here’s an interesting article over at ComputerWorld called: IBM: ‘Mac users are happier and more productive’

On first look (the critic in me), I’m thinking the survey must be paid for by Apple.

At Jamf Nation User Conference, IBM CIO Fletcher Previn said that IBM employees who use Macs are more likely to stay with IBM and exceed performance expectations compared to PC users. The article says:

  • There are 22% more macOS users who exceeded expectations in performance reviews, compared to Windows users.
  • High-value sales deals tend to be 16% larger for macOS users, compared to Windows users.
  • macOS users are 17% less likely to leave IBM, compared to those who use Windows.
  • MacOS users are happier with the third-party software availability within IBM — just 5% of macOS users ask for additional software, compared to 11% of Windows users.

I have a MacBook Pro. I have tried several times to use it as my main development machine but my brain just cannot get around the user interface differences. I am a ‘keyboard guy’ and not a ‘mouse guy’. I am just much faster using Windows rather than macOS.

Fletcher Previn also said:
IBM also observed that users found it easier to migrate from a previous version of Windows to a Mac than to upgrade older Windows systems to the latest version of Windows. IBM claims 98% of its Mac users said migration from Windows to macOS was easy, compared to 86% of people shifting from Windows 7 to Windows 10 who felt the same way.

Now that, I would TOTALLY agree with. Several weeks ago, I switched both my development desktop PC and laptop PC from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro and it has been VERY frustrating to get use to where Microsoft has put everything. To me, it looks like Windows 10 was designed for novice users and all advanced features are hidden. Come on Microsoft, not everyone is a grandma/grandpa using Windows 10!! Plus there is a Windows 10 Home release for those people.

Also, did someone at Microsoft think everyone is partially blind? I’m using the same 2 Samsung monitors each at 1920 x 1200 with my Windows 10 PC that I used with my Windows 7 PC. On Windows 7’s desktop, I had 13 icons per column but on Windows 10’s desktop, the icons are larger and it can only show 11 icons per column. When I go into the ‘Display Settings’, under ‘Scale and Layout’, it is set to ‘100% (Recommended)’. The only values are larger!!! I cannot go down to 90% or 95%. Again, it feels like Microsoft designed Windows 10 for grandma/grandpa who don’t see very well. Ugh!

I’m still in the Windows 10 learning curve. Hopefully, I’ll get through it soon! 🙁

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in macOS (Mac OS X), Programming, Windows.

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