Windows Print Screen

Ok. Here’s something not related to MQ or programming. 🙂

Everyday, someone sends Capitalware a support request with an image or two. Its not a problem. I review what they asking and send back a reply.

Most of the images I receive are some sort of cropped image of the whole desktop. Sometimes the image is tightly cropped to whatever they are sending and sometimes I’m getting too much information about their desktop.

A far better way of sending Capitalware a screen shot of information is to use one of the following 2 options:

(1) Bring the window to the foreground (so that it is active) then press ALT-PrtScn. i.e. Hold the ALT key then press the PrtScn (Print Screen) key. Windows will capture an image of ONLY the active window and place it in the clipboard and then the user can paste it into an email.

(2) Use the Snipping Tool that has been available since Windows Vista. Start it, select the Mode (i.e. Rectangular Snip), click New button and select whatever you want then paste it into the email.

Note: None of the images are shared with anyone or other companies but it is far, far better for people to only send Capitalware information that I need to see.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, Windows.

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