Piss Off Trolls, Spammers and All Other Creepy People

A couple of weeks ago, I had a bright idea for a future project, so I registered a domain name. Since then, I have received over 50 emails, 8 text messages and over 12 phone calls, offering their services for web design.

Enough is enough, you bunch of trolls. Stop wasting my time with this crap!!!

Can you imagine offering your services for web site design and the emails (text messages) are horrible with spelling mistakes and look like crap. Or the phone calls are so bad with so much noise from the call center that I can hardly hear the person, let alone, understand them through their thick accent.

Seriously, you are offering web site design, but you send an absolutely poorly designed email and you actually think you will get business. Seriously!! Your first impression to a potential customer is complete garbage? Seriously!! You think that will get you business – if you are actually legitimate.

You emails SHOULD be showing off your skills not your lack of skills!!! A 12 year old can create a better looking email than what I have seen so far.

Also, why aren’t you listing some of the web site you have designed? Of course, it better have a tag line at the bottom saying “Designed by” either your name or your company’s name.

If you cannot show proof that you actually have designed web sites then clearly you are a troll/spammer looking to fraudulently steal people’s money.

To other people registering domain names, I strongly suggest that if you get emails, text messages and/or phone calls claiming to do web site design just delete it or hang up on phone calls. The other option is to pay for a private registration when you register your domain name to avoid all this non-sense.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

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